
Tenant CV Code:
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About sediqa

Hello, we are a respectful and hardworking family of four from Afghanistan looking for a new place to call home. I am a software engineer at Zartis, and my sister is a freelance graphic designer. We are a pet-free and smoke-free family. We have been renting for the past eight months, but unfortunately, our current landlord is selling their house, so we are in need of a new home. We are searching for a three-bedroom house that can comfortably accommodate our family. We take pride in being respectful tenants who prioritize maintaining a clean and organized living space. We are quiet and considerate individuals who enjoy spending time together but are mostly out during the day due to work and job-seeking activities. We are open to different locations as long as they are safe and accessible by public transportation. Our budget is around $2,500 per month, and we are looking for a long-term lease. We have a good rental history and can provide references from our previous landlords upon request. Thank you for considering our family as potential tenants. We are eager to find a new home and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Job title:
Affordable rent per month (excluding utilities):
Ideal length of lease:
From 1 year to 3 year
Languages spoken:
English, Persian
27 years old

Contact information

Contact details only visible to registered and verified members of HomeHak

Important Locations

Desired location for a home
Employer location
Kids school
Other important location

Preferred Commuting options

Preferred transport for commuting: Public transport
How far would you live from your work/college address, km? Max distance three KM
Max commuting time: 20 minutes by Walk

Who will live at the property (number of adults and children occupants?)

Adults 4
Schools Required: N/A
Number of Kids (under 18): 0

A home I`d love

Preferred House Types:

  • Detached house
  • Flat/Apartment
  • Semi-detached house

Preferred Living Arrangements:

  • A Family (adults and children)

I/we would like to rent:

  • Entire property

Minimum Number of Bedrooms Required:

At least 3
Single 1
Double 2

Amenities and qualities you want in your ideal home - if possible:

  • Central Heating
  • Microwave
  • Parking
  • Washing Machine
ID verified by

Employment history

Worked from November 2021 to present (2 years 6 months)
Zartis, Horgan's Quay, Cork, Ireland
Software Engineer at Zartis