Niall H

Tenant CV Code:
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About Niall H

As a tenant, I am dedicated to maintaining a clean and peaceful living space and committed to upholding any rules or guidelines set by the landlord. My trustworthy nature ensures that I care for and maintain any property I live in to the highest standard. Furthermore, my friendly and approachable nature makes me a great neighbour. I believe in building strong community ties and am always ready to lend a helping hand. My passion for sports also means that I am a positive and energetic presence in the community. I am confident that these qualities make me a good tenant.

Job title:
Applications Engineer
Affordable rent per month (excluding utilities):
Ideal move in date:
Ideal length of lease:
From 1 year to 2 year

Contact information

Contact details only visible to registered and verified members of HomeHak


Employment References (1)

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We are happy to recommend Niall H and we believe they would make a very responsible tenant for any landlord. If you wish to verify this reference or have any questions in this regard, please feel free to contact me. Trish Nevin Human Resources Senior Support Specialist Talent Acquisition Analog Devices Location

Contact details of this referee are hidden. They can be shared for purposes of verification when a property is offered.

Important Locations

Desired location for a home
Kids school
Other important location

Preferred Commuting options

Preferred transport for commuting: Car
How far would you live from your work/college address, km? Max distance ten KM
Max commuting time: 30 minutes by Car

Who will live at the property (number of adults and children occupants?)

Adults 2
Schools Required: N/A
Number of Kids (under 18): 0

A home I`d love

Preferred House Types:

  • Open to all offers

I/we would like to rent:

  • Open to all offers

Minimum Number of Bedrooms Required:

At least 1
Double 1

Renting history

June 2023 to present (1 year 9 months)