Kristine T

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About Kristine T

We are a family of three who will be moving to Ireland from Malta. I and my husband are professional engineers in the pharmaceutical/healthcare and IT sectors, respectively. We pride ourselves on being neat, organized, and quiet tenants. With this move, we are going to be landlords ourselves for our property in Malta, so we truly understand the importance of maintaining a property with care and respect. Rest assured, we will treat your home in Cork as if it were our own. We are looking for a suitable property to rent as we start our new life in this beautiful Irish county.

Affordable rent per month (excluding utilities):
Ideal move in date:

Contact information

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Landlord(s) (1)

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To whom it may concern I can confirm I acted in the role of landlord to Kristine from (state date) to (state date) Kristine was a good tenant. I had no issues with Kristine and the rental deposit was returned at the end of the tenancy. I am happy to recommend Kristine and I believe they would make a very responsible tenant for any landlord. If you wish to verify this reference or have any questions in this regard, please feel free to contact me. Regards,

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Working Professional contacts (1)

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I have known Kristine since 2015. She and I were both PhD students at Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy, and both Erasmus+ scholarship grantees. She and I were also office mates for four years till I completed my PhD. Kristine was a brilliant PhD student and crucially an amazing colleague/office mate. During my tenure there, I observed that she continuously showed responsibility and accountability in her work. She was also very organized in the lab and maintained cleanliness and good housekeeping of the instruments and materials. I witnessed this orderliness in her apartment as well whenever I had the chance to come by for an after-work dinner or for a get-together over the weekend. She was also a very sociable person, easy to be friends with, very cooperative and willing to assist me for any help I needed. Thus, I am happy to recommend Kristine and I believe she would make a very responsible tenant for any landlord. If you wish to verify this reference or have any questions in this regard, please feel free to contact me. Regards, Tahrizi A.

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Friends (3)

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I have known Kristine since 2012 I am happy to recommend Kristine and I believe he/she would make a very responsible tenant for any landlord. Krisitine has earned an Engineering Phd and has worked before in various multinational companies. Her background and personal values would definitely be an asset to the community she choses to stay, If you wish to verify this reference or have any questions in this regard, please feel free to contact me. Regards, Name

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I have known Kristine since June 2008, around 17 years now. I am happy to recommend Kristine and I believe he/she would make a very responsible tenant for any landlord. Kristine has a good record, respectful, transparent, and complies with policies. She is financially capable and has experience on lease agreements. Rest assured that the rented property will be well taken cared of by Kristine. If you wish to verify this reference or have any questions in this regard, please feel free to contact me via [email protected]/[email protected] or my number +639778217864. Regards, Von Ali De Leon

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I have known Kristine since high school (1999). She was my roommate for four years and has been a trusted friend since then. She's very responsible and great at being accountable, both of which are critical for home rental or ownership. She demonstrates the same character in her professional life. She holds a PhD, which requires a lot of drive and motivation in completing. She has also held her job at Baxter for several years. I can fully attest to her character. Angelica Bautista, PhD

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Important Locations

Desired location for a home
Employer location
Kids school
Other important location

Preferred Commuting options

Preferred transport for commuting: Public transport
How far would you live from your work/college address, km? Max distance more_than_10 KM
Max commuting time: 40 minutes by Public transport

Who will live at the property (number of adults and children occupants?)

Adults 2
Schools Required: Primary
Number of Kids (under 18): 1

A home I`d love

Preferred House Types:

  • Co-Living Development
  • Detached house
  • Flat/Apartment
  • House
  • Semi-detached house
  • Terraced house

Preferred Living Arrangements:

  • A Family (adults and children)

I/we would like to rent:

  • Entire property

Minimum Number of Bedrooms Required:

At least 2
Double 2

Amenities and qualities you want in your ideal home - if possible:

  • Access to lift
  • Balcony
  • Central Heating
  • Dishwasher
  • Family
  • Garden/Patio
  • Ground floor
  • Hi-speed WiFi
  • Laundry dryer
  • Microwave
  • Parking
  • Washing Machine
  • Suitable for Work from home
ID verified by

Personal Achievements

  • Homeowner in Sliema, Malta
  • Homeowner in Quezon City, Philippines
  • Stellar reviews on Airbnb

Employment history

Worked from April 2020 to present (4 years 11 months)
Marsa, Malta
Senior R&D Engineer at Baxter International
Worked from October 2015 to January 2020 (4 years 3 months)
Turin, Metropolitan City of Turin, Italy
Research Fellow at Politecnico di Torino
Worked from November 2011 to August 2015 (3 years 9 months)
Mandaluyong City, Metro Manila, Philippines
Petrochemical Specialist at Petron Corporation

Renting history

February 2020 to October 2023 (3 years 8 months)
September 2018 to February 2020 (1 year 5 months)