Features and pricing

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It's Free for 14 days

Our Tenant Pricing Plans

"Get organised" plan


This includes:
  • Collect and organise home-renting info in one place
  • Safely store sensitive home search information
  • Verify your ID with Stripe
  • Upload character references from landlords, letting agents, employers, and other
  • Build your Tenant CV
  • Join your Tenant CV with other home seekers
  • Receive in-App messages from other members
More details
Key features

"Home search" plan

€ 40 per month

Only pay while you search for a home. No annual subscription.

This includes:
  • Everything in the "Get Organised" Plan, plus
  • Apply for homes with a unique Tenant CV webpage
  • Write messages with "Ella", a unique AI tool
  • Collaborate with work colleagues and connections to distribute your Tenant CV
  • Apply for homes advertised on HomeHak
More details
Key features

"HomeHak personal service" plan

€ 450 per month

Only pay while you search for a home. No annual subscription.

This includes:
  • Everything in the "Get selected for a home" Plan, plus
  • Email from HomeHak team with tips and guidance on getting organized
  • HomeHak helps you get selected for viewings by letting agents and landlords
  • Phone call from HomeHak team to discuss renting options in your chosen area
  • HomeHak staff will de-brief after home viewings to help improve for future
  • HomeHak helps you share your Tenant CV so your network can help you find homes
More details
Key features

HomeHak Company Plan

Employer pays for all employees (existing staff and recruits) Call now for pricing

This includes:
  • Everything in the "Personal Service" Plan, plus
  • HomeHak will set up a unique Employer page where employees/tenants can display their Tenant CVs
  • Employees display their Tenant CVs on their Employers page on HomeHak
  • The company and work colleagues can promote the branded Employers page on HomeHak, where the employees can display their Tenant CVs
  • HomeHak will help the company publicise the Employer page on HomeHak to draw the attention of local accommodation providers with rental homes near the company workplaces
  • Local accommodation providers are invited to follow the branded Employers page on HomeHak and be alerted when new employees need accommodation
Click here
to tell your employer about HomeHak for Employers
More details
Key features

Pricing Plan

Get Organised Plan


Get organised and get Trustworthy

Home Search Plan

€40 per month After 14 days for free trial Pause anytime

Search and Apply for Homes
Available in Cork
and Limerick region

HomeHak Personal Service Plan

€450 per month Free for tenant if company joins Pause anytime

Get Selected by Letting Agents, Landlords and Homeowners.
Available in Cork
and Limerick region

HomeHak Company Plan

Employer pays for all employees (existing staff and recruits) Call now for pricing

Get Selected by Letting Agents, Landlords and Homeowners.
Collect and organise home-renting info in one place
Get tips on what info is needed to get selected for a home.
Safely store sensitive home search information
Safely store sensitive home search information. Use now and keep for future.
Verify your ID with Stripe
Use Stripe to verify your identity and improve trustworthiness.
Upload character references from landlords, letting agents, employers, and others
Build trust by uploading important references
Build your Tenant CV
Create a complete Tenant CV to stand out from the crowd and get selected
Join your Tenant CV with other home seekers
Join your Tenant CV with other home seekers to form a group.
Receive in-App messages from other members
Communicate with other members in-app. Protect contact details.
Home Search Status setting:
Profile hidden
Share profile
Display and Share profile
Display and Share profile
Apply for homes advertised on HomeHak
Apply for homes with a unique Tenant CV webpage
Not included
Apply for homes with an impressive digital Tenant CV.
Write messages with "Anna", a unique AI tool
Not included
Use AI to create strong messages for home applications on Daft or emails.
Collaborate with work colleagues and connections to distribute your Tenant CV
Not included
Share your Tenant CV with work colleagues and connections. Hear about vacancies.
Display your Tenant CV on HomeHak Tenant Selector
Not included
Not included
Get selected for rental homes near your workplace
Not included
Not included
Home seekers can ask to join you and form a ready-made household
Not included
Not included
HomeHak will help you get selected for home viewings by letting agents and landlords
Not included
Not included
The HomeHak team scouts for properties that suit you. We use our connections to help you get selected from the crowd.
Email from a member of the HomeHak team with tips and guidance on how to get organised
Not included
Not included
After you start, a member of the HomeHak team will review your profile and email you tips and guidance so you stand out.
Phone call from a member of the HomeHak team to discuss renting options in your chosen area
Not included
Not included
HomeHak will call you, discuss the renting process in your target location, provide guidance, answer questions and help you prepare for home viewings.
HomeHak staff will de-brief after home viewings to help improve for future
Not included
Not included
HomeHak will chat about your home viewings and check what could be changed or improved.
HomeHak will guide you on how to distribute your Tenant CV so your connections, workmates, friends, and network can source homes for you
Not included
Not included
Your HomeHak Tenant CV is a powerful tool that helps you stand out. The secret is to distribute it widely. When someone moves home, you want to get a call.
Display your Tenant CV on your Employer’s HomeHak page
Not included
Not included
Not included
The company brand attracts landlords and agents with homes near your workplace.
Your company and work colleagues promote the Employers HomeHak, where your Tenant CV is displayed
Not included
Not included
Not included
Your company and colleagues promote the company page, increasing the chances of selection.

How the HomeHak Pricing Works:

  1. Start Free: All users can start with a 14-day free trial of the 'Get Selected for a home' plan, giving access to all premium features.
  2. After 14 Days: Users can choose to:
    • Continue with the 'Get Selected for a home' plan for €60/month, and pause payments at anytime
    • Upgrade to the 'Personal Service' plan for €450/month, and pause payments at anytime
    • Downgrade to the 'Home Search' plan for €40/month, and pause payments at anytime, or
    • Use the 'Get organised' plan for free.
  3. Flexible Payments: Pay only when your HomeHak profile is 'Public,' and pause payments anytime by switching your profile in the Home Search status to 'Profile Hiden'


Must I pay to use the premium features on HomeHak 'Get Selected for a home' plan?

All members get access to all features and the 'Get Selected for a home' plan for 14 days. After this trial period, users can choose to either pay to continue with the 'Get Selected for a home' plan, Upgrade to the 'Personal Service' plan for €450/month, and pause payments at anytime or downgrade to the 'Home Search' plan, or downgrade to the 'Get Organised' plan. The table below outlines the features of each plan.

HomeHak: More than Just a Property Search Platform

With HomeHak, you don't have to rely on the inefficient process of applying for homes listed on property websites. Instead, landlords and letting agents proactively select you based on your Tenant CV, which is linked to your professional network and workplace. This people-focused model saves you valuable time, cuts costs on unnecessary temporary accommodation, and streamlines the process of securing a home that fits your needs.

Why Choose HomeHak?

HomeHak is not just a property search tool - it's a people-first platform that helps you get selected for homes that meet your specific needs, saving you considerable time, money, and hassle.

Key Benefits of HomeHak:

  • Save Time: Instead of spending hours applying for advertised homes and competing against hundreds of applicants, landlords and letting agents select you directly through your Tenant CV before properties are even listed.
  • Reduce Hassle: With HomeHak, you avoid the frustration of endless applications, wasteful viewings, and long waits for responses. Your Tenant CV is proactively shared, improving your chances of being selected quickly and efficiently.
  • Leverage Your Network: You can use your work colleagues, friends, and employer to help spread the word about your Tenant CV. If someone in your network learns of a property vacancy, they can easily share the link to your Employer page, increasing the likelihood that a landlord will recognize your company and prioritize you as a tenant.
  • Save Money: By displaying your Tenant CV on the Employer page, you can get selected for homes near your workplace before you even start your job, saving money on temporary accommodation and minimizing the stress of relocation.